Lehrveranstaltungen von Urmila Goel an der Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder
Sommersemester 2005: Migration und Film - Selbstdarstellungen der zweiten GenerationGastvortrag von Robin Curtis, FU Berlin
Assmann, Jan. “Die Katastrophe des Vergessens. Das Deuteronomium als
Paradigma kultureller Mnemotechnik.” Mnemosyne. Formen und Funktionen der
kulturellen Erinnerung, Ed. Aleida Assmann and Dietrich Harth. Frankfurt:
Fischer Verlag, 1993. 337-355.
Brubaker, Rogers. “Immigration, Citizenship, and the Nation State in France and
Germany.” The Citizenship Debates. A Reader. Ed. Gershon Shafir. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 1998. 131-164.
Eakin, Paul John. How Our Lives Become Stories: Making Selves. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 1999.
Eikelman, Dale F. and James Piscatori, ed. Muslim Travellers: Pilgrimage,
Migration and Religious Imagination. London: Routledge, 1990.
Fisher, Michael J. “Ethnicity and the Post-Modern Arts of Memory,” Writing
Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. Ed. James Clifford and George
Marcus, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986. 194-233.
Fivush, Robyn and Elaine Reese. “The Social Construction of Autobiographical
Memory.” Theoretical Pespectives on Autobiographical Memory. Ed. Martin A.
Conway et al. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992. 115-132.
Halbwachs, Maurice. Das Gedächtnis und seine sozialen Bedingungen, Frankfurt a.M.:
Suhrkamp, 1985.
Hall, Stuart. “Cultural Identity and Diaspora, “ Identity: Community, Culture,
Difference, Ed. Jonathan Rutherford. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1990.
Heidenreich, Nanna. “Das sieht man doch! Die Erkennungsdienste des
Ausländerdiskurses am Beispiel von ‚Berlin in Berlin’” Ästhetik und
Kommunikation 110. vol.31 (Dec. 2000). 31-38.
Kratzer-Julfs, Silvia. “Return, Transference, and the Constructedness of
Experience in German/Turkish Documentary Film.” Feminism and Documentary. Ed.
Diane Waldman and Janet Walker. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
1999. 187-201.
Krupat, Arnold. “Native American Autobiography and the Synecdochic Self.”
American Autobiography. Retrospect and Prospect. Ed. Paul John Eakin. University
of Wisconsin Press, 1991.
Linke, Uli. German Bodies. Race and Representation after Hitler. London:
Routledge, 1999.
Mandel, Ruth. “Shifting Centres and Emergent Identities: Turkey and Germany in
the Lives of Turkish Gastarbieter.” Muslim Travelers. Pilgrimage, Migration, and
the Religious Imagination. Ed. Dale F. Eickelman and James Piscatori. London:
Routledge, 1990. 153-171.
Masud, Muhammad Khalid. “The obligation to migrate: the doctrine of hijra in
Islamic law.” Muslim Travellers: Pilgrimage, Migration, and the Religious
Imagination. London: Routledge, 1990. 29-49.
Melitopoulos, Angela. “Timescapes.” Lab. Jahrbuch 1996/8 für Künste und
Apparate, Ed. KHM Köln / Verein der Freunde der Kunsthochschule, Cologne: König,
1997. 172-182.
---. Onesheet for Passing DRAMA.
Pile, Steve and Nigel Thrift. “Introduction” and “Mapping the Subject.” Mapping
the Subject. Geographies of Cultural Transformation. London: Routledge, 1995.
Pratt, Mary Louise, Imperial Eyes. Travel Writing and Transculturation. New
York: Routledge, 1992.
Trinh, T. Minh-Ha, “Outside In Inside Out” Questions of Third Cinema. Ed. Jim
Pines and Paul Willemen. London: British Film Institute, 1989. 133-149.
Van den Abbeele, Georges. “Sightseers: The Tourist as Theorist.” Diacritics 10.4
(Winter 1980): 2-14.
Ben Annemin Kiziyim / Ich bin Tochter meiner Mutter (Sehen Derin, 1996, FRG,
89 Min., 16mm)
Berlin: Been there / to be here (Claudia Aravena Abu-Ghosh, 2000, FRG, 13min.
Ein Lichtspiel Schwarz Weiß Grau (László Moholy-Nagy, 1930, G, 6 Min, 16mm)
El Yo es Otro – Grundstufe 1 / Ich ist jemand anders – Nivel 1. (Lester
Cano-Alvarez, 2000, FRG, 13 Min, video)
Gülüzar (Hatice Ayten, 1994, FRG, 8 Min., video)
Mein Vater, der Gastarbeiter (Yüksel Yavuz, 1995, FRG, 52 Min., 16mm).
Passing DRAMA (Angela Melitopoulos; 1999, FRG, 66 Min. video)
Wir haben vergessen zurückzukehren (Fatih Akın, 2001, FRG, 60 Min., 35mm)